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TERRUSSE (Raelian Bishop Guide)
Circles are those strange, often circular shapes that are sometimes found in some grain
fields in the morning. Until now the origin of these agroglyphs was a mystery, and their
ever more complex shapes challenged all hypotheses. In this document we shall give you the
key to this mystery.
I heard a noise. It seemed that something was moving in the wheat field, flattening the
stalks. That night the air was completely still. I looked around. The moon had just risen
and was shining brightly. In front of me I could see now a large hollow depression in the
middle of the field."
are the words the first declared witnesses, Bryce Bond and Arthur Shuttlewood, used to
describe the strange phenomenon they witnessed during the night of August 12, 1972, near
Warminster, England.
When this phenomenon
was noticed and described for the first time, they took the form of modest, simple
circles, a few meters in diameter, in a wheat field. Three decades later, thousands of
formations have been reported throughout the world, some of them extremely complex,
representing mathematical curves, religious symbols or animals. Their size is up to 700
meters, and the area of the largest reaches about 4000 square meters.
Researching archive
files in England led to the finding of a dozen of reports, dating from the 1940s,
mentioning the discovery of small circular flattened zones in crops. It was only in the
1970s that the regularity of the phenomenon was noticed, and it took another decade for
serious studies to begin.
In 1980 a new
phenomenon drew attention: the observation of two symmetric circles aligned in a field.
The following year, signs of intelligence began to appear with the finding of an 18-meter
circle flanked by two smaller half-circles, in a perfect north-south alignment. Since
then, dozens of circular formations, single, double or triple, have been described, alone
or interlaced, sometimes forming spiral movements. These circles are drawn with a surgical
precision. A very sharp line separates the flattened or curved stalks inside the drawing
from those outside of it which remain intact and upright. The contour of the drawings
forms a perfectly even wall.
By 1988, hundreds of
Crops Circles had already been reported. The number grew again the following years, and is
still growing today, the graphic designs increasing in complexity every year. At first,
the drawings were simple, occasionally double, rings. Then the shapes became more and more
complex with a variety of interlaced patterns. The following years additional graphics
appeared in the circles, such as stars, the infinity symbol, fractals, or Celtic crosses.
The phenomenon of Crop Circles is not easy to explain. It is not a natural
phenomenon. Humans may have made some of them, but formations are found throughout the
world which does not validate the hoax hypothesis.
Why would the
inspiration of the drawings be the same everywhere?
Why do we find the
same evolution of designs, from simple to complex?
witness accounts can be traced back to the 14th century, it is only since the early 1980s
that the Crop Circles started to attract public attention. As surprising as it may be for
people who have never heard of them, the Crop Circles were discovered more than twenty
years ago.
that time, the Crop Circles were simple circles in cereal crops, suggesting the hypothesis
of atmospheric whirlwinds plunging suddenly into the crops and leaving their circular
imprint there.
Crop Circles show an amazingly extreme precision. The shapes are generally based on
circles, but there are many cases where the basic pattern is a square or a 5-pointed or
6-pointed star. Even more complex drawings have been observed.
they have been observed in many different countries, and although their rate of appearance
increases regularly, two thirds of all reported Crop Circles occur in the South of
England. The number of identified Crop Circles has noticeably increased since 1990. In the
South of England, 200 to 300 are reported every year. The farmers who own the crops are
generally angry and prefer not to say anything when they find one, fearing the many
onlookers who would come and trample the crops. Crop Circles are regularly found on all
kinds of crops: cereals (wheat, barley, oats, rye), rapeseed, and rice. The pictograms are
all different, and rarely occur twice in a given field.
have been observed in many different countries: England, Ireland, Belgium, United States,
Canada, France, India, Japan, Afghanistan, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Australia, China, to
cite just a few. In Japan, a circle appeared in a rice field. Photographs of circles drawn
in the snow have been taken in the mountains of Afghanistan and in Canada, without any
tracks leading to them. They certainly exist in other countries but can only be detected
from an airplane.
which time of year are they observed ?
about twenty years, the Crop Circle phenomenon has been occurring between April and
amazing Crop Circle of Cambridgeshire, which has the shape of a Mandelbrot fractal, as
well as other fractals that have been observed, are an unquestionable proof of
intelligence. Those mathematical shapes could not have formed by chance. Some figures
contain sacred numbers like the golden number, or pi. It is a very complex phenomenon that
is not selective but is still occurring. There is obviously an intelligence and a
technology behind the Crop Circles, and it is not a human intelligence.
There is a whole
symbolism in the Crop Circles which is a remarkable mixture of beauty and mystery. Shapes
can be found which exist in many cultures throughout the world (in Tibet, China, Europe,
Israel, Egypt, Mexico). Some figures are quite strange, like the one that describes our
solar system.
The themes of
the drawings are many :
- Circles : single,
concentric, entrelaced.
- Representation of
planetary systems.
- Derivations of
geometrical shapes (squares, cubes, 5-pointed or 6-pointed stars). These geometric
drawings demonstrate that they cannot have been formed by atmospheric whirlwind phenomena.
- Complex spiralled
geometric systems.
- Figurative geometric
shapes (ants, dolphin, car, Menorah, Egyptian solar symbol, Mexican, DNA).
- Fractal shapes
(Mandelbrot and other bases). Fractals are another way of representing the Infinity symbol
used by the Elohim and adopted by the Raelian Religion.
- Architecture plans
- The edges of the
drawings are clean and their perimeter is perfectly even.
- The highly regular
alignment of the parallel wheat stalks is illustrated by the optical phenomenon of
iridescence in aerial photographs.
- The stalks are not
broken, but flattened and interlaced, bent at their tubular junctions. This is something
we are unable to reproduce. On very young, still green plants, at the beginning of the
growing season, the surface of the Crop Circles may look as if it had been
brushed, but this feature might be due to the immaturity of the plants. It has
been observed at times that the wheat stalks looked like as if they were woven
with stalks folded over each other.
phenomenon has attracted public attention and aroused much speculation, but official
sources and scientists say Crop Circles are made by some kind of lightning or tornado,
while many non-experts believe they are produced by UFOs. Many more or less exotic
theories have been suggested in explanation of these phenomena, such as gravitational
plasma, intra-terrestrials, UFOs, microwave rays and so on. Scientists focus on the
how, forgetting about the why. Crop Circles have a non-human
origin, and from this viewpoint it is important to understand that we are faced with a
technology that is beyond our understanding.
a surveillance operation, an whole field was outfitted over its entire area with laser
alarms, highly sensitive microphones, and aerial cameras. In the middle of the night, a
mist formed over the field. At dawn, a perfect Crop Circle was visible in the field and
none of the sensitive instruments had been activated. One of the most famous cases
involved the residence of the British prime minister. The property covers dozens of acres
and is watched and protected against possible terrorist attacks by military security
services. It is a maximum security area, watched over and patrolled 24 hours a day.
Despite these precautions, a perfect drawing of Celtic inspiration appeared on the grass,
in front of John Majors house. When journalists asked the prime minister if there
had been a serious violation of security regulations, he denied it.
It is difficult to say
with a 100% certainty whether or not a Crop Circle is genuine. Some are irregular, their
edges not clean, the stalks uneven, all of which suggests human intervention. However,
many formations are such complex drawings that it would seem impossible to make them in
one night.
photographs show the wheel tracks left behind by tractors from various sprayings. These
tracks shed suspicion as to the origins of the drawings, since they form discreet pathways
to move along the field. However, some Crop Circles have appeared in fields where no wheel
track was present. In the United States, the fields dont have these tramway-like
tracks since they are sprayed from small airplanes. This excludes any human participation
in the process of Crop Circle formation. Some Crop Circles have been found in restricted
access areas, like for example the military area of Salisbury Plain (England).
few Crop Circles have been observed in snow. They are very scarce. However, several have
been found in Canada and in the Himalayas where a group of four Crop Circles has been
photographed. These events are not numerous, but nevertheless cannot be ignored, because
they are of the same nature as the Crops Circles and confirm their non-human origin. Video
recording of a Crop Circle formation by luminous objects flying over cereal fields. The
moment that the drawings are formed has been recorded while lights were flying over the
fields. The formation time is estimated to be a few seconds.
1999: Ice Circles and Cloud Circles
1999, drawings from mysterious origins were spotted in cloud formations followed by radar
(Clouds Circles), and imprinted in snow but visible from aircraft (Ice Circles)!!!!!
recording of a Crop Circle formation by luminous objects flying over cereal fields. The
moment that the drawings are formed has been recorded while lights were flying over the
fields. The formation time is estimated to be a few seconds. (video)
the beginning of 1990, the English media picked up the subject, which made the headlines.
at the end of the summer 1991, an alarm bell started to ring, discrediting the phenomenon.
Two retired men, Doug et Dave, announced they were responsible for it.
and disinformation :
1990, the British government held a meeting with its ministers and military officials to
discuss the phenomenon and its implications for the public and for defence. Quite soon
after this meeting, the hoax campaign started to develop, and the first Crop Circle
imitators appeared. The goal was to discredit the phenomenon and to ridicule the
researchers interested in it. It is interesting to note that the web site that presents
the work of those who claim to have created the Crop Circles also advertises for
recruiting in the MI6 security services! This cohabitation within a site casts doubt on
the real motives of the Crop Circle forgers. The result of this process is that for most
people today, Crop Circles are hoaxes. Nevertheless, this is a simplistic explanation that
often only masks the ignorance of what the phenomenon is.
did the hoaxers actually confess?
1991, two landscape painters, David Chorley, aged 62, and Douglas Bower, aged 67, declared
that they were the origin of the the phenomenon and confessed to being the authors of the
Crop Circles. They said that had decided on this hoax back in 1978. They declared that
during the 13 previous years they had shaped drawings in fields at night in the South of
England. It is amazing, amusing and suspicious, that over 13 years, neither of their
wives had suspected anything out of the ordinary, nor did they notice any of their furtive
outings and their nocturnal exploits! These declarations seem to have subsequently
inspired imitators. The two men wanted to demonstrate how they did it for the TV cameras,
but after working for several hours the result was a big mess. A second attempt gave the
same pitiful results. Doug and Dave have never been able to produce any high quality
formation before independent witnesses, which could have convinced researchers of their
abilities. Doug and Dave were invited to participate in a TV show with several
researchers. Doug was asked if they made drawings in the Wiltshire (the region where the
formations were the more frequent since 1988), and he flatly answered that they did not.
They could not explain how they did the more complex drawings either. The more questions
they were asked and the more uncertain their answers were. At the end, Doug and Dave were
not at all sure of which drawings they had made or not. The tone of their voice and the
way they spoke gave the impression that their entire plan had been orchestrated. Nevertheless,
for the media as for the public, doubt has been cast on the reality of the phenomenon. It
was enough to show a pair of putative hoaxers and a logical reason to believe the entire
phenomenon was a joke, in order to consider the mystery as solved.
demonstration actually proves nothing, except that the phenomenon can be reproduced
artificially and that good copies could be made under optimal conditions. This experiment
does not prove that all Crops Circles have a human origin.
The Raelian Religion and the Crop
Our beloved prophet
confirms that most Crop Circles are indeed made by the Elohim (except the forgeries made
by hoaxers).
the numerous identified drawings, several can be interpreted as architectural drawings.
The plan of the Embassy we plan to build, the scale model of
which was presented to the media in August 1991, is inspired from a pictogram found in a field in the south of England in 1990.
Crop Circles? How to interpret them?
material, concrete signs, their dimensions, their growing complexity, the themes chosen,
all those elements make us question ourselves.
explanation we can provide is that it is the implementation of a strategy aimed at
preparing for an official contact between people from Earth and an extra-terrestrial
all these precautions?
extra-terrestrial visitors have the ability to observe us before making direct contact
with us. They can certainly pick up our radio and TV broadcasts. According to the method
used by ethnologists, they can observe us for a while before they decide on the most
appropriate way to establish direct contact with us.
what image do we give to those outside observers? We show them a planet where people are
suffering, where people are aggressive towards each other and kill each other, where
intolerance, diseases, starvation and violence are everywhere.
noticing such a situation a potential visitor can only be cautious before making a direct
members of the Raelian Religion have the goal of building an Embassy and to see to it that
the requirements are met so that an official contact can occur between the Elohim and
people from Earth.
of the major difficulties for the Elohim now is to avoid generating a reflex of fear among
has always shown that irresponsible political leaders in most countries use the myth of
fear of foreigners to strengthen their power.
is a risk that at the time of contact an aggressive reaction might be provoked against the
imagined enemy from afar. The Crop Circles are an important step in preparation for the
day of the great encounter. They force people to question themselves about the authors of
these short-lived art works, to familiarize them with the presence of external observers
and to prepare them psychologically for an official and peaceful contact.
Crop Circles are a very complex phenomenon which is not isolated but is occurring more
widely every year. The phenomenon is in a growth phase. What we have seen so far is
certainly just the beginning. When it is given full expression, it will be on a much
larger scale.There is obviously an intelligence behind the Crop Circles, and it is not a
human intelligence. We are in the presence of an attempt at
communication and these pictograms represent a link between two
worlds, between two humanities. Its undoubtedly an initiative of
consciousness-raising and of preparation for direct contact, from an intelligent
extra-terrestrial entity. The final scene will be of such a nature that all of
mankinds doubts will be removed.What is in preparation, beyond the signs on the
ground, is a demonstration of a physical nature. At that stage, we will really have
reached the New Age.
Marcel Terrusse
(Raelian Bishop Guide)
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Mise à jour : 15 août 2002